Baby Chick Brooder

I need more chickens. A dog got most of mine a couple of weeks ago. Being that a rabbit currently lives in my old ‘brooder’ (which is really just a cage I wrapped in sheets to keep heat in when used as a brooder) I decided to build one.

I headed out bright and early to the wood shop to take stock of what I had on hand. I try to build everything I can out of scrap/leftovers before buying new lumber. Turns out, I had enough lumber to frame out my brooder. I used the hardware cloth I had on hand to line the bottom. This is the cloth I use to make my screened bottom boards for my hives. I think it is #8, but don’t hold me to that… I would have to go measure.

The only new lumber I purchased was the plywood. I ended up using one sheet and a portion of a second sheet.

The rough dimensions for the brooder are:


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